2023 A Humbling Year

Where do people go, they appear but are made of snow!

Harry Hogg
3 min readDec 31, 2023
Image Author — Buck House

2023 has been one of those humble years because I still can’t believe the Queen died, having wanted the pleasure of my company twice in her lifetime. Ordinarily I would have attended but the second time it coincided with the Monaco Grand Prix.

Then I was asked to write something for some Bocelli guy but that was after being invited to a gathering of old flying mates. So, I put that off. As if that wasn’t enough, I was asked to attend the ‘world premiere’ of a new film only to learn that Reckless, my dog, had gone down with Heartworm. I was at the vet.

They did say it was okay, they would likely have a premiere in every country, and I only have six dogs.

Phil Collins called, he wanted to tell me that he and Lilly are talking again, bless him. He gave Lilly enough reasons. In July, Chris Rea, reached out on WhatsApp to tell me that pancreatic cancer is the shits. It was hard not to agree.

What else? I fell down the stairs. None of the above called to see if I was doing okay. As yet, no Christmas card has arrived from Dua Lippa, maybe because I told people she was a freakin’ weirdo.

Oh yeh, I bought a boat. A 60 ft Nordhavn. No reason.

I got two more grandchildren. Oh yeh. That’s the reason.

Jenny said if I posted the this, she wouldn’t talk to me again. Hence, the boat!

How was your 2023?

1st New Year, bless little Evie.



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