March Challenge|Keeley Schroder|
A time in your life you’ve won something
March Madness Challenge: Day Two
Friends please note. I love the challenges, but I come to my study to write in a certain way. I’m not really a documenter of true life, I create life. I will create what I can for each challenge, but it will be in a creative writing form. I hope it will be acceptable.
“‘Tis a pain in the neck being Irish dese days. I mean, I cannae turn on me public broadcasting wivout getting’ me darn head achin’ from the tappin of those Riverdance fools scrattin’ ana screechin’ and dose tree farts, de Irish Tenors. How many frecking times cannae weep hearin’ Danny Boy before I wanna grab the remote and fling it to Tipperary.
And every freckin’ ting is Celtic, Celtic tis and Celtic tat. All dese Irish wannabe’s claimin’ daze gettin’ Celtic roots. Well, if daze only knew de freckin’ half of it. Jez cos dey walk into a pub and order a Guiness dey be thinkin dey can tell fables abat the truth of the four-leaf-clover or kissin’ the blarney stone, when it dunnae giv’em anything but a headache and chapped lips.”
After two beers, I’d heard enough.
“Sean Dennis Patrick O’Brien, now will you stop the blathering. Sixty-one year’s you’ve been living in these United States and I’m still listening to you blathering on about home. You live in Chicago, not Belfast. Why did you come, if all you can do is talk about Ireland.”
But Sean wasn’t ready to stop talking.
“I’ll be tellin ye, Barry McGuigan. I won the pools, ye know, back then when dey was called the pools, and I got me eight draws, will ya believe. Eight freckin’ draws. I was rolling in dough. I said to me misses, not dis one, trae missus back, I said we should be goin ta da windy city lass. I won tirty tousand pounds, so we came, ya see, we see all America, Mt. Rushmore, Ole Faithful, and buffaloes. But me travelin’ days ended here in Chicago. It wazna so bad, I kinda liked it. Especially cos dey elected an Irish mayor named Daley, and St. Paddies, dey dyed the bloody river green, can ye imagine. T’was a good life. I had me friends and me mates and I had a job and a warm place to stay and I gets to talk about Ireland. Ireland…every night stories of youth…stories of ma and pa. But me money ran out, lost me job, an me fourt missus left me. I’m flesh and blood and me stories make me cry and I long for a day when I didnae know what true pain and suffering were.”
Sometimes we win big, but winning, too, comes with a price tag.
March Madness Challenge: Join Keeley and write to each of her daily challenges.
Adrienne Beaumon, Autistic Widower (“AJ”), Brett Jenae Tomlin, The Sturg, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Richard Bailey, Marilyn Flower, Trisha Faye, Karen Schwartz, NancyO, Robert G. Longpré — [he/him] — Canadian métis, Katie Michaelson, Bernie Pullen, Laure Dorsemaine, Debika Kumari, Michelle Jimerson Morris, redkitewrites, Celia McKinley, Charisse Tyson, Julie KingGood, Amy Frances, Julia A. Keirns, Ravyne Hawke, Pamela Oglesby, Toni the Talker, Cathy Cremer, Tina, Kayla Tackett, Pat Romito LaPointe, C Cap1, Anna Itzel Cazita, K., Brandon, Misty Rae, Karen Hoffman, Deb Palmer, Susie Winfield, Vincent Pisano, Paari, Marlene Samuels
Here are a few of our DAY 1 entries to enjoy:
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