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College Heads Must Roll

We are living a new insanity in our colleges.

Harry Hogg
2 min readDec 6, 2023
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Question: Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Harvard's rules of bullying and harassment.

Answer: It can be — depending on the context.

Are we going fucking insane in this country? In what world are we living when the heads of our top colleges cannot give a direct answer to a question that requires a simple: “Yes, calling for the genocide of Jews does violate Harvard’s rules of bullying and harassment.”?

There is no other answer, not in the real world, the world outside college campuses.

When I was in school, 1954 -1965, I learned that anti-Semitic statements were made in the Middle East, the Chinese minorities mostly, but these statements were then traced back to Europe. A specific instance, we were taught, was that of the Dreyfus trial in France, when a Jewish officer was unjustly accused and condemned by a hostile court. Islam sided with the persecuted Jew against his Christian persecutors.

This anti-Semitic poison spread to Nazi Germany. Hitler made a concerted effort to promote and disseminate European style anti-Semitism. How do top college heads defend this? By saying, well, the gassing of Jews must be considered in context. Fuck them. Fire their asses.

What are we teaching today — What kind of anti-Semitic interpretation has pervaded much of the American vile public discourse, including through education, media, and even entertainment. Maybe that we are living in a secret world of Jewish plots?



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