Keeley Schroder | May Mania: Challenge

Day 30. May Mania Challenge

Harry Hogg
4 min readMay 30, 2023
Photo made by Canva.

Have you ever experienced road rage?

Image: Author — kitted up for a drive through London

Mum told me, after the Billy Harrison incident at school, to run like a “dog on fire” if I ever find myself in danger.

Sound advice.

But now that the London taxi driver has got out of his cab, walking his three hundred pounds toward my driver's door window, I hear mum in my head. His abrupt arrival was of such promptness that I never had the opportunity to follow my mother’s simple but wise counsel.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, pal; you’re blocking the Taxi’s Only Lane,” he yells, knocking his fist on the window. There is no Taxi Only Lane in London, it is a Bus Lane that black cabs can use but private ride share, Uber, etc., cannot.

In his anger and haste, the cab driver had left his cab door open but didn’t realize until the crunching sound of a white van colliding with it left the door hanging on the road, glass shattered, metal buckled, and a furious van driver walking back to the black cab looking so wild I thought it was Jack Torrence.

The cab driver, hearing the crunch of metal, screams blue bloody murder, hitches up his belted ‘wide load’ shorts, scarlet blood rushing to
his cheeks and leaves the vicinity of my window to confront the driver of the van, who must be exceptionally brave because the cloth capped driver of the van is built like Popeye’s girlfriend.

In my head I’m thinking, Mr. Van Driver, this might be a good time to run like your tail is on fire.

Sadly, unexpectedly, a pizza delivery cyclist, pedals his cycle into the legs of the irate cab driver, who hadn’t looked into the cycle lane for safety and the two are strewn on the road. The cab driver has lost it, whatever it is in these circumstances and wants to fight the world, grabbing the cyclist, pushing him back to the ground and turns to confront the van driver, who has disappeared. Obviously, his mum had given him good advice too.

The cyclist, not to be beaten, grabbed up at the cab driver’s shorts, pulling them down in his effort to fight back. By this time, it is turned a comedy show. with a red-faced cab driver, a wild Jack Torrence with the build of Olive Oyl, a black pizza cyclist, and an innocent man just driving through London.

Other wonderful writers engaged in this challenge. Read and enjoy.

More from Harry:

Hey, this is Harry. If I’ve written anything that caught your attention, made you smile, maybe shed a teardrop, would you buy me a coffee? How? I’ll explain, for a measly $5 you can read anything, all the writers, poets, songsters, idiots, and other monkey business that happens inside Medium. If you choose to join, and compliment me by using my link: Harry Hogg, I’ll receive a portion of your membership fee from Medium, a community that keeps its wallet closed tighter than a duck’s arse! Do I need the money? Will I die, starve, and not continue to drink alcohol? No, I’ll still live happily ever after, but with a smile on my face that someone liked what I’ve written and joined up to follow me and the other writers who make up Medium. Com



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