Keeley Schroder February Challenge
February Challenge (Day Thirteen)
Day 13: Love Language.
I cried today, silly tears, just some longing I’ve never got right in my head.
Thankfully I have the height of Thunder, seventeen hands, to carry me past the edge of the surf.
Twice a week, and when the sand feels firm, I bring her to the shoreline. She loads into the trailer like a dream, maybe because she knows she’s coming out here. It’s only ten minutes in the trailer from our stable at home, as climbing down is far too tricky. By 7 a.m., I’ve bandaged her tail and legs before travelling. Then around 7.30 a.m., I unload and tack her up.
There is already a language going on between us, her snickering for me to hurry, and me steadying her with whispers and pats on her neck.
Soon we are off, and Thunder strides mightily through the wavelets. She’s such a character, her head so proud, fully aware that people are looking at her with admiration.
Once passed the scattering of people I let her go, give her free reign and ask her to move on. I can feel her anticipation under my legs as we trot along. For close on a mile, I let her move easily, steering a path past the odd straggler walking the beach alone. I know she wants to go more but I hold her up.
She has a powerful heart and that transcends to her hind quarters. It’s like sitting on a keg of explosive. Moving along the ripples of water sliding up the beach, I let her kick into second gear. Dear God, is there anything she loves better. Her mane flying, silver water sparks coming from her hooves.
My heart is racing. I swear it’s missing every other beat with excitement. I’m talking to her all the time. Whispering my affections into her ears, encouraging her to stretch out, keep it even, tell her how beautiful she looks flying. This is everything. To be a part of her at full gallop. To sit on her back knowing how brilliant she looks and feel the salt wind in my face.
Still another straggler up ahead and easily I ask her to slow. Her response is immediate, her power slackens, and hind quarters relax. I can feel her disappointment. We turn and slowly begin our walk back up the long almost deserted beach.
When I dismounted a child comes running up to ask to pat her. “Hello,” I say, “you look like you’re having a good time.” The little boy’s dad asks if he might lift him up to pat Thunder.
There is no fear from the child who looks to be no more than five. The child asks if he can ride her. Her father told him not to ask. I spoke to the dad and said I’d be happy to have him in the saddle if I was up there as well and
would that be okay? He agreed readily and the little boy giggled in
delight. I mounted Thunder and he handed up his little boy to me. I sat him in front, having his head against my chest. We went for a short walk along the beach.
When we get back the child’s father thanks me. I just smile and wave good-bye as the boy runs down to the water.
I cried today, silly tears.
For a moment it was Daniel’s head on my chest. That’s all.
Why not join in the fun of Keeley’s February Challenge. We are all friendly.
Keeley Schroder, The Sturg, Autistic Widower (“AJ”), Karen Schwartz, Adrienne Beaumont, Bernie Pullen, NancyO, Robert G. Longpré, Katie Michaelson, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Brett Jenae Tomlin, redkitewrites, Richard Bailey, Marilyn Flower, Laure Dorsemaine, Debika Kumari, Julie KingGood, Michelle Jimerson Morris, Celia McKinley, Pamela Oglesby, Charisse Tyson, Amy Frances, Ravyne Hawke, Toni the Talker, Cathy Cremer, Harry Hogg, Kayla Tackett, Julia A. Keirns, Courtney Capone, Anna Itzel Cazita, K. Joseph
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