Member-only story

Gate To The Graveyard

Trick or treating is a once-a-year holiday that brings distant friends together.

Harry Hogg
3 min readOct 31, 2024
Image: Author — The Meeting Place


The children met by the old cemetery gate every year on Halloween. It was the spookiest place they could think of, especially with the dry leaves crunching underfoot and a pale moon rising like a sfumato, blood-red ominousness beyond the bare branches of Miller’s woods.

Tommy Mix was the first to arrive dressed in a vampire outfit with a red-lined cape, hair fixed in a widow’s peak and long fangs protruding from his lips; then, within a few minutes, the rest of the ‘Night Marauders’ — as they liked to call themselves — began to arrive.

Betty Stevens was in her witch’s outfit, the wide-brimmed, high-peaked hat heightening her short stature. She carried a gnarly-handled broom that she had made herself from Hawthorn and Heather. Chubby Billy Blight arrived dressed as Darth Vader, and lanky Ronny Sneed came as The Mummy. Finally, brother and sister Tad and Mary Shanks arrived, completing the group. Tad was dressed as a werewolf with an oversized head that was more comical than scary and a tail that wagged from side to side as he walked. Mary was a snaggle-toothed hag with scraggily grey hair, her thin body draped in a ragged, burlap gown and, on her…



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