Grandma’s Still Alive!

I better bring her home for Christmas

Harry Hogg
2 min readDec 20, 2023
Bing Image Creator

Iinvite Grandma at Christmas time
When I’m told she’s still alive
Oh now com’on
Smile at least
You know I’m an old curmudgeon

It’s not a pretty picture
Grandma is ninety years and three
Razor thin
And worse
She hasn’t put her teeth in

She loves the Christmas holidays
Christmas Carols at the door
Baby Jesus
And Amazon’s fast delivery

I don’t like her Christmas sweaters
Sparkling reindeers on saggy breasts
Blinking lights
Pearl knit snow
But they do brighten up the nights

She’s telling the world at Christmas
To be joyful, thankful
And frisky
And that’s all fine
Until she drinks my whiskey!

Grandma’s lived a really long time
I hope it never ends
I’ll suffer the crimson cardigans
Blinking lights
Because I’m her favorite Grandson



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