Harry Hogg gets Taken to Task
A sincere apology to members
I cannot recall, even once since I became a member of Medium, ever meaning to be rude in my responses. I think those who know me will agree I try hard to be rude, but they also know it’s tongue in cheek.
This last week I posted a response to a response, and without intention or purpose, offended another member. Names are a minor thing in this post but learning a lesson is a major one.
My humor, some would argue, is pretty cutthroat. I’ve been fortunate that, until now, I haven’t offended anyone, or they have been reluctant to point out my rudeness.
The first response to the response:
What an amazing compliment. Thank you so much! I’m grateful for your reading of my stuff, and I’m also excited to meet the writers you’ve suggested! Seriously, you bowled me over with your praise. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
This response was given to a writer I admire; skill, insight, and delivery are striking. The writer and I have often been in touch.
In my clumsy way or typical, some would say, I responded to all respondents in the chain, but one, in particular, took offence.
My response to the response above:
Com’on, *****, isn’t this just a little over the top?
Anyway, I’m Harry, consider yourself introduced.
Many will know that I’m not one to pour praise upon praise. I’ll make some detrimentally funny quip!
The response to this response:
C’mon, Harry!
Don’t be jealous! This writer has just written an essay and dropped the names of his favorites. (Of which we were both named in the essay)
My thank you is over the top? Your comment is supposed to be courteous or helpful? Thanks?
My response:
Oh dear, Harry’s humour just went down the toilet! Please don’t be offended, I’m terrible with words. I always try to be helpful but get a black eye! 😩
Responder’s response:
Must rethink your humor, dear. Not helpful to take a jab at someone’s gratitude, albeit effusive.
My response:
Yes, my apologies.
Responder’s response:
ok, worked our way through that! Let’s be friends now!
For which I was grateful.
This humour of mine has always got me into trouble; long before now, I should have learned a better way. It isn’t for everyone. The thing is, I cannot help it. I was in a grocery store with Jenny, and the cashier asked me how my day was going, so I told him. He just stood there with his mouth agape.
Jenny said that such British humour doesn’t work on Americans. Having been scolded by my wife in the following store, you’d think I would be more careful and not so cryptic. But the cashier asked me how I was. Then people in the line started groaning. Jenny had gone to the car, but I was still explaining my problems.
Why? If people ask you a question, should you not offer a polite answer? But even politeness is offensive, so I kind of give up.
If I, Harry Hogg, have offended you with my responses, in all sincerity, please accept my apology.
“Does that work, Jenny?”
“Harry, I give up!”
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