Hi Joseph, First I want to thank you for coming by and leaving a comment expressing your thoughts.
Indeed, if you recall, nuclear accidents have indeed occurred already. And a nuclear weapon has already been used in a conflict.
The US stands as the only perpetrator to unload a nuclear weapon on another country. To our shame, in my opinion.
There is no way you can know anything about me, any more than you know about Beyonce.
You ask: "Did you write articles about saving Yemen or Darfur or Syria? If not, is it just the sight of white war victims that's making you willing to risk nuclear war?"
The second line is offensive. I know better than to take you to task.
Not only do I know about the war in Yemen, still going on as we debate, but also South Sudan and Sri Lanka. The Syrian war gets more airtime because, on the face of it, America has more to lose, and Americans have died.
I am ex-military, having served in Falklands war. I have been a Greenpeace Director. Volunteered to drive for Oxfam in 1976 during the Cambodian conflict, understanding Genocide at very close quarters.
We can all pick at bones, Joseph. There’s little meat.
The people in the world we have to be afraid of are those, like the school bully, who don’t threaten you. They just do it.
Putin is a coward. There will be no nuclear war while Putin remains in power, after which, only America will be the greatest threat. China has several thousand years of wisdom. It won’t be responsible for the end of civilization.
I don’t believe your intention was to be rude.
Sadly, it was.