Hiking, Lying, Rhyming

The writer’s mind will never be still, and I know it never will.

Harry Hogg
3 min readApr 22, 2024
Image: Author

I’m running around in this world staying wherever I can.
Somewhere I don’t want to be, but I don’t have chance to change my plans.

I just have to dance or plant my feet, not too deep ya’ll.
I can say though, no matter what, I’m having a freakin’ ball.

So many people are intrigued by what I’ve seen, I wonder what they fear?
My adventures get me from there, or somewhere, only to end up here.

Then the danger begins, when people have a desire to become friends.
They realize that I’m not stable and there the story ends.

Trust is where I don’t fit in, they are people who trust each other.
I’m not on the side of truth, tell one lie, and then I’ve got another.

Why can’t they understand the life of a writer, they and I are not equal,
because if we were, our lives would be filled with bloody sequels.

Writers have to be travelers, carrying notebooks in their backpacks.
By evening, when my feet are tired, I write and then I hit the sack.

After traveling from here to there or where I’ve been before,
I stop awhile and think how far I’ve come from those that I adore.

Homesickness lasts a minute or two, before I’m moving along,
when the new day dawns, it’s the time to buck up and then move on.

On the horizon I see the next town and I know I have come so far,
now, all I need is a shower, some sleep, and then to find the bar.

Somewhere down the line perhaps a relationship will flower,
but it doesn’t take long when its flavor turns more than little bit sour.

Until those times come, I will keep on with my lies and telling rhymes
to get me threw the different situations and all my other crimes.

So, to all of you out there in this beautiful world that God has given,
it’s time to take up writing, get out there and do some fucking living.

There’s always another place for a writer to find something new,
a dream, a pub, a new person with whom to tell a lie, maybe even a few.

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