How My Day Started Out
I feel terrible being so late getting to you, my friends
When one is part of a loving community, such as those of us who are obsessed with Drabbles and write a Drabble daily to share with each other, whether it brings us joy, makes our stomachs turn, or makes us feel sick with gratuitous violence, we still like to fill our time with responding, and as more members grow in the community, we find ourselves reacting to more and more people.
Yesterday, I realized I had yet to talk to our growing community. I explained my frustration to Jenny. Why? Did she care? No, she said she was trying to sleep.
You see, Jenny isn’t a writer. If she were, we would not have been married or divorced ten minutes after taking the vows.
When I came down this morning, I could not believe the amount of garbage accumulated from spending time on the computer and not attending to emptying the kitchen garbage, ready for today’s collection.
While carrying out the garbage bags, I thought about how many friends I must find a way to respond to and offer my support.
Damn, there’s still one last bag. I have to make another trip. I can hear the garbage truck at the top of the road. This is eating away at my writing time.
My friends will think I don’t care about them.
Okay, there, that’s done. The truck can take it all away.
I can head to my desk, have the whole day to make my responses, and have my friends believe that I’m caring and there for them.
Great, here’s the truck.
Fuck no, a bag has split open; that’s Jenny’s thumb lying on the drive!
Bernie Pullen | Michelle Jimerson Morris | Amy | Julia A. Keirns | Tina | Pat Romito LaPointe |Brandon Ellrich | Misty Rae | Karen Hoffman | Susie Winfield | Vincent Pisano | Marlene Samuels | Ray Day | Randy Pulley | Michael Rhodes | Lu Skerdoo | Pluto Wolnosci 🟣 | Paula Shablo | Bruce Coulter | Ellen Baker | Kelley Murphy | Leigh-Anne Dennison | Patricia Timmermans | Keeley Schroder | Whye Waite | John Hansen, Trudy Van Buskirk, | Dixie Dodd | The Doctor — Joanie Adams| Adda Maria | Dennett | | Nancy Santos | Jenny Blue | Jack Herlocker | Love | Barbara J. Martin | Audrey Clifford | Maria Rattray | Jerry Dwyer | Denise Shelton | Trisha Faye | StorySculptress | Deborah Joyce Goodwin (Red:The-Lady In Blue) | Kelly Corinne Elliott | Emma Vincent | izzibella Beau | Karen Grant | Shay Bishop | RosenberryRJ | Anna V | Miriam Connolly |
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