Janis Joplin (love you)

She came, she sang, she sailed away

Harry Hogg
2 min readMay 29, 2024
Image: Wiki

I never will forget Janice Joplin
her songs give my heart a pang
I will never forget how brave
Stood in her ruins she still sang

No other place loved you best
When you stood in the Albert Hall
I really came alive that night
I was totally enthralled

I saw you again in San Francisco
I was standing perpendicular
On lower Market Street
I was waiting for a cable car

We climbed together up Nob Hill
I remember it was getting dark
You sang about Bobby MaGee
To patrons at the top of the Mark

I heard the sad news in London
Janice Joplin is dead
I felt my soul dropping
Couldn’t get it through my head

I came to see you leave us Janice
You sailed out of reach
We did everything you wanted
Let you go from Stinson Beach

Image: Author — Stinson Beach — sail away, Janice



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