London Trains

Underground poet with no talent

Harry Hogg
2 min readSep 14, 2023
Image: Author — Victoria Station

Sitting in this station waiting for a train it’s warm today they say no chance of rain — my train is late so I must wait

in Starbucks

order americano

and try not to complain

face to face watching all the frowns tangled up on subway trains here in London Town

but I have a different point of view

why aren’t we doing things

that lovers always do

I’ve had enough of Paris, Munich, where people talk of love, Piaf, Rouen, Aznavour

not on underground trains

not even when it rains

there’s no time to explain

I’m looking for a space to think where I won’t sweat and need a drink — what kind of space?

One without a view

where I can build a poem

and send it home to you



Harry Hogg

Ex Greenpeace, writing since a teenager. Will be writing ‘Lori Tales’ exclusively for JK Talla Publishing in the Spring of 2025