Loving, it isn’t complicated.
Sometimes we can be too clever with loving, it’s not difficult.
Happiness lies in the clear ideas of what you want and what you can achieve? That’s one interesting view. It didn’t work for me, probably because I learned that if I wake up to brilliant sunshine someone else is waking up to fog.
Nothing in life is wholly harmonious. That’s why I think I think about first man whoever loved. He surely had the thing made out of marble, tough, but prone to cracks.
Being in love is something people have done for thousands of years with varying success. It is a beautiful thing; I’d never think of it any other way. However, I think that falling ‘in love’ is a precarious business.
It’s kind of like being put in prison, except that you hope there is no way out!
Love only ceases to be beautiful if one or the other decides to chip away at what makes it so. Love can and must be a brilliant thing, otherwise it would have been given up a very long time ago. It can also be a barbaric and destructive thing and the surest way for one person to completely lose their identity or worse.
Whether you choose to love, or find that love is too tricky, too demanding, or perhaps loving leaves you with disgruntled with life, or it leads you into vain disorders, that isn’t what’s important, the important thing is to be beautifully alive to all that is going on.
To the followers I have here on Medium. You have proved to be such a beautiful, caring, individuals. It would be very easy to love every one of you. I’m terribly grateful for the generous compliments, and sharing the warmth of your friendships, my love is big enough to send out to all.
Lastly, I want to mention one writer who has consistently amazed me for several years. A writer I’m sure well known to you. I love him, I love his writing, his personality, and the generosity with which he shares his love with his wife, Deb.
Today I read his latest post. It moved me so much because of its simplicity. Sometimes I rack my brain to say something in a different way, but today I wondered why? Jack’s post cannot be expressed more lovingly, simply, or sincerely. A lesson in loving. Thank you, Jack Herlocker.
Please read, it is this simple.
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