Meet Francine (Chapter Two)

Francine has returned to the Isle of Mull after the funeral of her parents, killed in a car accident.

Harry Hogg
9 min readAug 30, 2022

Chapter One

I’m on my way to a place called Dhiseig, a gentleman there has an upright piano for sale. All I had was a phone number. On the phone he was insistent that he wouldn’t take less than two thousand pounds. It’s an upright 1980 Wurlitzer 45" with bench. It’s more than I can afford to pay, even if it’s a bargain. I’m hoping to sweet talk him.

Where did I leave you yesterday, oh yes, ignoring Gilda’s call. I haven’t responded, though I did have time this morning. I’m concentrating on my music writing first, and if this kindly gentleman will consider fifteen hundred for the piano, I have some lyrics I’m ready to put to music. It’s just under twenty miles from Tobermory, about forty minutes, but my car is in sad shape, and the rain is coming down straight as stair rods. It’s 3:30 p.m. as I leave.

So far, coming into the one lane road section, passing Craignure, I’m giving way to tractors with trailers every half mile. Each time I give way, I hope it might be Brannon. Anyway, yes, you’re right, it’s dumb. I know it. I’m already forty minutes in the car and I’m still seven miles away.



Harry Hogg

Ex Greenpeace, writing since a teenager. Will be writing ‘Lori Tales’ exclusively for JK Talla Publishing in the Spring of 2025