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Personal Opinion Piece.

Harry Hogg
5 min readAug 5, 2019


In America, there seems no end to the violence, or the domestic terrorism encouraged by institutional lobbyists under the influence of money. Why does Corporate America fund this racist administration?

White nationalists have grown in stature in the last three years pushed to kill by the demagoguery spouted by the President. Don’t take my word for it, believe the data!

We have a corrupt political system in that politicians on both sides of Congress are bound by the influence of the NRA and other institutions.

This kind of crime is going to continue and increase in its terror, with white nationalists being spurred on by hateful rhetoric and spineless representatives working on self interest.

The United States refuses to learn from other nations on this debate on guns. Read the data!

Mass shootings happened long before this administration, but now we have a racist in the Whitehouse, and half America is okay with that, will defend it, and will turn a blind eye because the mass shooters are not generally American Muslim, or Black, or Latino.

The shooters are white men triggered by hatred and divisiveness, believing the rhetoric, blaming immigrants for rape and murder and how immigrants are filling up the country so that WHITE people must fear for their lives.

In America there are more than three hundred million guns. Imagine the business of money behind that fact! Gun controls will result in less money going into our government representative’s pockets and will lessen the gun lobbyists power over the Government.

So, it goes on, people die, innocent men, women, and children, killed while shopping with their kids because we don’t have a Government with any spine.

I don’t blame the White House for the trend of mass shootings but I sure as hell blame the Presidency for feeding the flames of frenzy. This most powerful seat in the land has emboldened white nationalist behavior. This unacceptable rhetoric is going to get a lot more American citizens killed.

A lot more.

America is going through a time when it will be required to choose for the advancement of American society, to decide on what kind of country America will be going ahead.

Can you begin to imagine what would have come out of from the White House if a mass shooter was an American muslim, or a Latino, can you even begin to imagine where the incendiary rhetoric would take us?

I don’t know if American society is going to wake up and smell the scent of the hatred being espoused from this most powerful person sitting in the most influential seat, supported by the in power administration.

Democrats, too. What a bunch of spineless morons. We have the laws but not the representatives with the moral compass to enact them.

I fear in my heart that the country is being split to the point it is being put back two hundred years.

The country is dying, I swear, and the only medicine is being delivered by a snake-oil salesman.

The administration will say anything to avoid taking any part of the blame. As concerned citizens we should be fearing the Presidents mental state, which is to deny the truth of his racist leaning, and his fascist adoration.

I don’t know that the opinion of a man who calls himself a poet is worth a dime, but let me give an observation as an immigrant living in this country, a country in which I chose to live out my life to be with a woman I love.

The United States that I live in today is less than three hundred years old, a teenager in the world when considered against the age of a commercial Europe. Yet, in this short time span, the United States has become the most powerful, the wealthiest, and the most influential nation in the world today. How did that happen?

Well, I believe it is the culture of work ethic. Immigrants building their dream, putting their backs into it, and starting out with a culture that is acutely an American household institution, the gun.

Teenagers aren’t great listeners. America isn’t a great listener. What America does is suffer its bruises better than any other country I know. It takes a whack on the chin and then sets about rebuilding itself.

Over time America has built such power no other nation would dare take it on in a nuclear fight, but I apt to recall that Goliath met David and did the business with nothing more than a stone.

America cannot be taught wisdom. But when it has reached early maturity, say five hundred years, it will be forced to look out on the world in a different light, with a revised vision of itself, maybe from another planet!

The United States in this world is a shining example of democracy at work, and I’m sure there are those who will shake their head and wonder what Congress is doing, but look at this way, is there anything out there you would prefer over our democracy? I doubt it.

The United States of America is a remarkable country. I personally am not a fan of the President, but I trust in the institutions, checks and balances.

Owning a gun in this country is one of a cultural habit. Take it away and you take away how the country became the United States.

There are laws to protect the rights of gun ownership, just as there are laws that enable the removal of weapons designed with the only intention to kill as many people as can be imagined in one minute.

I’ve seen what an AK 47 can do to a body, having landed a helicopter in Cambodia in 1979. Mass graves upon mass graves.

But this is where I fear we are heading. The reasons, well, I leave those to politicians to work out, and to bring about solutions. We have the laws if we have the spine to use them.

The notion that every shooter is suffering a mental disorder is a red herring, there is no greater mental disorder problem here in the United States than any other democracy. But none have the same violence.

The gun issue is massively complex. The sadness is, we don’t have the intelligence in this country to sit at a table and work toward solutions, content to say, our hearts go out to the victims families. Really?



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