Poetry | Prayer | Faith | Illumination
Poems of a Man who Isn’t a Believer
And wonders why?
I cannot figure out in my simple head and heart why you were sent
Suffered through the scorn until their blame was spent
Why did you do it? Was it really necessary to let them spit upon your face
Or was it important that you suffer their fullest disgrace?
But then I ask why they did it, burden you with the symbol of a cross?
Was it because this symbol would be a symbol for the lost?
Not content to crucify you they brought a rock to seal off your tomb
Was it because no one should see your hands with wounds?
Why did you say from the cross, overlooking those who judged a Jew
And your answer stills my heart, “I suffer this for you.”
Part of being a true believer is talking a prayer and hoping you are heard
For warm arms to stop the shivers or at least one true and hopeful word
What are God’s answers to my prayers, whether they are early or late
And no matter how sincere my prayers, my heartache is the long wait
I say them in church on Sundays and sometimes at the side of my bed
But it’s like speaking down the phone that has long been disconnected
God, this isn’t me wanting a resolution or forgiveness of a solitary man
But if you could send an answer because I’m sure no one else can
I’m an old campaigner who never said a prayer or danced a religious step
Yet this is my true voice, and I’ll understand if you don’t have an answer yet
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