Sailing on Leaves
Hong Kong to Missouri, the Owl hooted
It’s for my own sanity, beer and whiskey
But no more the lassies, once a might frisky
I can’t find my shoes, my pants are somewhere
And where is my shirt, and just look at my hair
There’s no fucking ocean, no sand to walk on
And what of my bed, the pillows have gone
Is there nothing left, no harbor to rest
The trees out the window are thoroughly undressed
A deer came by, wearing antlers like a crown
An owl dropped in, and looked with a frown
We don’t like sailors, go back to the sea
The wise one said, and flew off with glee
I’m a blue water sailor, spied many a whale
From Hong Kong to Sydney under full sail
Seen mermaids smiling so far from the land
With comb and glass in her beautiful hands
Landlocked in Missouri, leaves fall like snow
The woodpecker gloated, chipmunks say hello
I walk my grandson, in a stroller with three wheels
And when he smiles my heart, he steals
I’ll not sail today, no whales will I see
I’ll change his nappy and give him his tea
Don’t think me sad, cast adrift too far inland
A sailor no more, but a bloody cowhand