Tag — You’re It.

My sorry tale of tag or not tag.

Harry Hogg
2 min readNov 24, 2023
Image Creator

I am one who often places a list of writers at the base of my stories — tagging them. I’ve read for and against this method. Both are extremely relevant. Do I tag or not tag?

I have been blessed with other writers wish to be tagged, and I’m truly thankful for their interest. There have been others who have requested being taken off the tag list. Not a single one was ever rude to me, but was polite, even when mistakes I made saw them repeatedly tagged. I felt awful. Inadvertently, some people were put in the list once, even three times, and my apologies were flowing like a river. But was one of them rude to me, angry, no. Frustrated? Yes, as I would be, but never rude.

There are several reasons writers want to be untagged. The most often is one of non-reciprocity. It is this one I most regret. Why should a writer be on a tag list who never receives recognition from me?

My excuse, if there can be one, is the number of followers. Lately, I’ve been scanning back over responses, and the many times I have failed to respond, and this applies to readers who honor me with a read my work and aren’t rewarded with the same of theirs.

How do other writers handle this dilemma. Is it a dilemma? How much time in your writing day is spent responding. I need to know this.

If you are one who is frustrated with me, I’m sorry with all my heart. If you’ve requested to be tagged. You honor me. If you wish not to be tagged and are in the list, I’ll try to get it right immediately. To those I failed to do so immediately, I apologize.

I will not be placing tags to this story.

Take care, my friends, tagged or not tagged.



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