
Too much TV and Frustrated Rant!

Harry Hogg
3 min readFeb 18, 2024
Bing Image Creator — Idiot Sneakers

I get fucking agitated by idiots. I don’t have an inclusive definition of an idiot; I use the word carelessly.

That said, I’m couch-bound in a republican state where idiots are in plentiful supply. Especially when I’m out in the neighborhood driving around looking at Trump flags flying in the gardens of homes that, at best, will sell for $170,000.

Usually, I am a relatively cool, collected kind of person. Not much upsets me, and how many of you believe that?

Good, so we all know this is bullshit.

What is going on in the world today is the result of having so many idiots in places or in positions they should not be.

I’m not sure if it’s my age, but I don’t remember so many idiots in the world of my being.

Trump has always been an accident waiting to happen, a train going off the rails, the turbulence that shakes every bond of a decent person’s belief.

Yet here, the idiots are the followers of the second coming, proudly hoisting the MAGA flag alongside the Stars and Stripes.

In contrast, Branson, truly a self-made tycoon, seen with our daughter on Necker Island, met with Trump, who only wanted to talk about avenging those against him.

Image: Author

Branson, who fought British Airways, shared the money he received for damages with every member of Virgin staff equally, not a penny to himself.

Trump has only ever known how to take money from people with less than himself, fooling pathetic idiots into believing they will benefit from his super-magnetic personality. The only thing that sticks to Trump is shit. His followers love that smell.

Look, don’t take any notice of me, I’m an old fart, but I recognize shit when I smell it.

I get it; I cannot spend time sitting at my desk, and too much television is not suitable for my aging heart, but from all this misery comes a shining light.

“What are you doing on your phone? As if I don’t know?” Jenny says, putting a cup of tea and two chocolate chip cookies by my side. (I must be out of sorts)

“I’m thinking about idiots, love.”

“There is a place for us all, Harry. If there weren’t idiots, you wouldn’t sound as if you’re smart,” she said, propping me up and punching my pillows.

I give up.

(No offense will be taken if you dislike being tagged for various reasons. Please let me know, and I’ll be sure it doesn’t happen on my posts again. If, on the other hand, you’d grace me by allowing a tag, I’d be thrilled to add you.



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