The Castle and The Redhead (Pt. 9)
Setting: an island off the west coast of Scotland.
Here are: Part 1: Part 2 Pt: 3 Pt: 4 Pt: 5 Pt: 6 Pt: 7 Pt: 8
As Aline hurried down the cobbled slope to the landing pad, she could see Blair holding onto Gibbings, one leg raised. She was hurt. As she approached, the helicopter’s rotors were still causing a downdraft, and Gibbings held his free arm toward her. The rotors took a minute or two to accept the ground force and the helicopter to stay grounded. Gibbings helped Blair hobble toward Aline, who helped by getting a hold under the other arm.
“It’s broken, Miss. Aline, her right ankle,” Gibbings yelled.
“Let’s get her up to the house, John. Why didn’t Thomas take her directly to hospital.”
“I’ll explain inside, Miss Aline. Mr. MacAlistair is going for a doctor…” Gibbings’ voice was drowned out by the rotors winding up at great speed, too much downdraft to hold the machine steady. The helicopter rose back into the sky, sliding sideways and heading away from the island, allowing the conversation to continue.
“Blair, don’t worry, we’ll soon have you comfortable. A doctor is coming soon…”
Seeing the commotion, the two police officers approached the three. “Can we do anything to help, Ms. MacAlistair?” Sergeant Reynold asked, approaching them, followed by the constable.
“We can manage, Sergeant. Blair is one of our house guests. She’s had a fall, and a doctor is on the way. Can we finish this another time, maybe tomorrow?”
“Very good. I’veleft the station number on the table. I’d like to speak with Mr. MacAlistair as soon as possible. You did say that he saw the incident?”
“Yes, yes, I’ll let him know. Thank you, sergeant,” Aline said.
After a few more steps, Blair said weakly, “I’m sorry to have caused you such a problem.”
“No, dear, don’t worry. I was genuinely concerned. I thought you’d taken the rowing boat and tried to get back to the mainland,” she said and then directed John. “Go through the library; there are fewer steps, John.”
In the background, the roar of the police boat was heard leaving.
Humbleton, seeing the trio from the window, hurried out.
“Oh my lordy, what have we got here?” he asked, taking Aline’s weight from Aline and helping Gibbings carry the injured Blair.
“Please take her to the West bedroom; I’ll ask Mrs. Simms to make some refreshments.
As MacAlistair flew toward the mainland, he passed over several vessels in the area in which the sinking occurred. He remembered what Blair had asked him when they found her, having her ankle caught between two rocks. Blair sounded desperate and quite afraid. Mr. MacAlistair, please do not take me to a hospital. I beg you.
MacAlistair called ahead to the office. Veronica Day, MacAlistair’s secretary, answers the call.
“Veronica, good morning. I’m on my way in to the office. Do me a favor and call the Coastguard medical flight team. I have a guest on the island with a broken ankle, but it must be taken care of on the island. Do you get that?”
“I’ll call it in now…”
“Hang on a second, then call Broderick and Turney, tell them I can meet with them at 4 p.m. this afternoon. Then get me on the next flight to London. I’ll be landing in forty minutes. Keep me updated about the medics.”
“Will do, Thomas,” Veronica answered.
“Thanks, I’ll see you soon.”
MacAlister then called his management team chairman, Victor Townsend.
“Victor, I have some good news. I believe we can acquire the funds to acquire Aeromart Airlines. I want you to bring the team together and begin talks to keep Aeromart Airline’s slots and then apply to all the London airports, as well as Manchester, Bristol, and Birmingham, applying through the IATA and WSG for slots at Gatwick and Heathrow. I don’t want us to get stuffed into night departures only. I want a team of lawyers ready to give me their strategy by Friday.”
“Congratulations, Thomas. I’ll get on it right away.”
“Helicopter MAC-28, Glasgow Approach on 119.10 you are cleared to land, wind at 3, call tower on 118.80, good day, sir.”
“Tower on 118.80. Roj, good day.”
Please visit and read: The Doctor — Joanie Adams
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