The compliment you pay me in taking apart my article for discussion is one for which I'm extremely grateful.
We live in a world where big dogs eat small dogs. Amazon being a big dog. Goodbye to the corner shop owners who traded fairly. They are fast becoming extinct. Do we agree that's okay because more people find work? Of course they won't. Automation is here. AI is here. The lottery makes one huge winner, not four hundred million. one-million-dollar winners. More and more we are moving away from the work of a hard-earned dollar.
You have given me a great deal to think about. And that, as a compliment to you, I will do. Debatable my references are and intended to be. I'm very thankful for all you've given in responding to my article, whether it frustrated you, annoyed you, or you thought it was shit, you wrote to me as a gentleman. Thank you, Roger.