Member-only story
The Island of No Regrets
Celebration of a New Year
I feel protected by the sea, the mountain, and the folk. The roads don’t go anywhere, rejoining themselves somewhere. The New Year was born, a drink was consumed, and I took great pleasure in polluting a few friends.
We were like beasts, hungry as carnivores, kissing anything that didn’t have more than two legs and a penis. I felt good in my madness. We were not drinking tears, not raping anyone, not shooting off anything but our mouths.
By morning, there’s not a broken glass, not a shattered window, and no offended women, though a ewe was said to have been accosted. However, when asked, all present pleaded not guilty.
Lara, a crab saleswoman, returned a clean pair of knickers to Jenny before mid-morning — she’d peed hers laughing at Duncan’s interpretation of a Scottish farmer waking up in the neighbour’s bed with a sheep.
New Year is celebrated only the way we know how.
Whye, you would have gone down a treat with these lassies. But… these men know a sexy woman when they see one, so if you come, you better come alone, pal.
Medium Team: Please let me know if you are concerned about me tagging my followers. I will understand.