The Medium New Year Party!

Instructions to attend are below.

Harry Hogg
2 min readDec 26, 2023
Bing Image Creator

The first party is to be held at the Cock and Bull pub in New York. As the site’s readership grows, attendance at this event will be in great demand. Meeting authors we admire and friends we have never met will be a special treat.

Most of us are underpaid, overworked, and frustrated with having people not recognize our names or remember what our stories are about.

For Christmas, I received a new digital recording device. The packaging of these items is often more interesting than the item itself, and as I looked through things, I spotted the instructions on how to use.

So, rather than write up my own bullshit story of the party, I will get to the pub early and discretely place my new recorder under a table.

I hope to catch interesting conversations from the night and post them on Medium. If you are proud of your words, you can claim them. If you feel sheepish, well, blame those words on someone else.

Please return after New Year’s to read how the evening went.



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