The Medium New Year Party! Part Four-
The woman behind the mask
I’m watching the woman on the table, occasionally catching a glimpse of white skin above her stocking tops, not hold-ups, the real thing. There’s something about a red dress being whirled up into the air; remember the picture of Marilyn Monroe? Now imagine Marilyn in a red dress!
Wait a doggone minute! Where’s Joanie? Isn’t that the dress she arrived in? I can’t recall it exactly, but it is similar, if not the one on the table dancer! No, not Joanie. If she were dancing, she’d be wearing a tartan. Wouldn’t she?
I look around. Wasting valuable voyeur time. Where are you, Joanie?
I feel a tap on my shoulder. It’s Randy.
“You’re looking in the wrong direction, Harry. The action is over here. That’s a fine pair of legs, whoever she is.”
“Have you seen Joanie?”
“Yeah, she’s doing the bar for me. Said I should get a gander at the secret dancer; hey, where you going?”
“Get a drink,” I said.
I had to know, even if I would miss our exotic dancer’s alluring moves. If Joanie isn’t behind the bar, I’ve got her made. She’s exposed in more ways than one.
I was bruised and battered, fighting my way to the bar. I saw Whye trying his luck on the bull. If he jangles those Christmas balls, Laura will spend six months trying to put him back together.
I was almost there when I tripped over Custard, fucking cat! After crawling the rest of the way to the bar, I picked myself up, but not before Adrienne trod on my hand, wearing high heels. I screamed out, but Adrienne was doing some face-to-face gymnastics with Michael. In the end, my squeals were heard by Karen, who helped me to my feet.
“Are you okay, Harry? Do you need resuscitating?” she asked, leaning in toward me.
Tempting as it was, I had to see if Joanie was behind the bar. I could hear the boys cheering.
There was no mistaking Bruce’s excitement, only subdued by all the Medium women cheering on Whye, whose escapade on the bull had his pants slipping down, mooning a good crowd of women eager to see how far they would slip. He has a tight arse, I remember Jenny telling me. I must remember to ask how she knew that. My arse is a bag of spuds wrapped in crinkled paper.
Finally, my head appeared over the bar. Now, who is serving the drinks?
“Hello, Harry,” a voice said.
It was Brandon. He was having a drink with The Sturg.
“Why aren’t you lads over at the table? She’s damn good,” I said.
Both looked at me somewhat quizzically. “Oh yeah, sorry, lads, I forgot. Next year, let’s ensure we bring in a male stripper, right? Anyone seen Joanie?”
“She went to the ladies’ room; she’s been gone a while. We are waiting to get drinks ourselves, The Sturg said.
“Ah ha, Joanie, I’ve got you. You secret dancer!”
Then, as if by bloody magic, “Okay, what can I get you boys?”
Wait… what…how… Joanie is standing behind the bar. No…. I’m thinking and turn to look over my shoulder. The table dancer is still dancing! Men are chucking money like it was falling off trees in November.
“Harry, you’re missing all the excitement.” It was Dixie, “the rumor is she will remove her panties!”
“Shaddup, Dixie. Really?”
“Better get over there, Harry. You’ve earned a pair of panties on your head.”
“Damn right, Dixie,” I said, making a beeline for the table.
It was the worst struggle I’ve got into in my life. I couldn’t see anything, but I heard Vidya yelling, “Get’em off!”
Wait, is that you, Vidya? No, I’m dreaming. Then I get into a kerfuffle with Ted. “Behind me, Harry, her knicks are coming off,” he shouted.
“How do you know?”
“Dr Mehmet left a message online. Who in their right mind will disbelieve the good Dr Mehmet?”
Well, there’s an Illuminating thought.
“Harry, where are you rushing off to get?” Oh God, it’s Maria. “She’ll think me a pervert like the rest of them.
“Just checking that everyone is happy, Maria,” I said unconvincingly.
“At least we have one decent man in the building,” she said.
Fuck! Now what. I cannot keep pushing to get through, or Maria will think me a voyeur or something. “Can I refresh your glass, Maria?”
“You’re such a nice man, Harry. I do wonder who that stripper is because that’s what she is. Who is it? Do you know?”
“Er, no, not interested, Maria.”
“If you find out, be sure to unfollow her,” Maria said.
“I will.”
I heard Maria’s name being called. It was Susie. I was certain if it wasn’t Joanie, it would be Susie.
“Oh, that’s Susie calling me, Harry,” Maria said. “Stay away from those sex-driven morons, Harry. You’re too good to be one of them.”
“Indeed, Maria,” I said as she disappeared in a mess of people.
A great roar came over from the other side of the room. Oh God, Whye has completely lost his pants. He might have a flat butt, but that thing flapping around is hardly noticeable. Poor Whye.
One woman was whooping like crazy. I wasn’t sure who it was. Jack was close by. “Who is that whooping, Jack?” I asked.
“That’s my missus, Harry. I couldn’t come without her, you know what I mean, right?”
“Of course, Jack, I’m glad Deb is having a good time,” I said.
“Yeah, we are going on a cruise right after the party. She won’t see anything like that on Norwegian!” Jack joked.
They’re COMING OFF! It was a shout of unison, a room full of men puffing and panting. Maybe not Brandon and The Sturg, but we will ensure they have entertainment next year.
I couldn’t see a damn thing. Not a bloody thing. How unfair. How bloody unfair when I organized the whole thing. Fuck me! And I was going to reveal who the dancer was.
“Good to see you’re not one of those leering jackasses,” Nancy S, said.
“Thank you, Nancy S,” I said. “Not my cup of tea at all,” I lied.
“Hey, Harry.” It was Whye.
“I see you found your pants.”
“Bloody hell, Harry, those women are sex-starved. I thought they were going to kill me,” Whye said.
“When you get home, pal. You might wish they had!”
There was a touch on my shoulder. I turned.
“Jenny! What the hell are you doing here?”
“Thought I’d come and check up on you,” Jenny said. “Are you going to get me a drink?”
“Sure, darling. You chose a red dress?” I said.
“I did, love. I have a secret to tell you,” Jenny said.
I lowered my right ear to her mouth.
“No way! No fucking way! Who has them? What bastard has my wife’s knickers?”
Jenny pulled me toward the bar, laughing hilariously.
Adrienne Beaumont, The Sturg, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Trisha Faye, Karen Schwartz, Nancy Oglesby, Katie Michaelson, Bernie Pullen, Michelle Jimerson Morris, Amy, Julia A. Keirns, Pamela Oglesby, Tina, Pat Romito LaPointe, Brandon Ellrich, Misty Rae, Karen Hoffman, Susie Winfield, Vincent Pisano, Marlene Samuels, Ray Day, Randy Pulley, Michael Rhodes, Lu Skerdoo, Pluto Wolnosci 🟣, Paula Shablo, Bruce Coulter, Ellen Baker, Kelley Murphy, Leigh-Anne Dennison, Patricia Timmermans, Keeley Schroder, James Michael Wilkinson, Whye Waite, John Hansen, Trudy Van Buskirk, | Dixie Dodd | Joanie Adams — Sightseer; Conjurer Of Words | | Adda Maria | Dennett | | Nancy Santos | Jenny Blue | Jack Herlocker | Love | Barbara J. Martin | Audrey Clifford | R. Rangan PhD | Maria Rattray | Jerry Dwyer | Denise Shelton | Trisha Faye | Sal Gallaher | StorySculptress | Katherine Myrestad | Deborah Joyce Goodwin (Red:The-Lady In Blue)
Note: Names of people who have expressed opinions or comments have been tagged and may be partaking in this challenge, or just maybe they love me so much they don’t care.
(No offense will be taken if you dislike being tagged for various reasons. Please let me know, and I’ll be sure it doesn’t happen on my posts again. If, on the other hand, you’d grace me by allowing a tag, I’d be thrilled to add you.
Adrienne Beaumont, The Sturg, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Trisha Faye, Karen Schwartz, Nancy Oglesby, Katie Michaelson, Bernie Pullen, Michelle Jimerson Morris, Amy, Julia A. Keirns, Pamela Oglesby, Tina, Pat Romito LaPointe, Brandon Ellrich, Misty Rae, Karen Hoffman, Susie Winfield, Vincent Pisano, Marlene Samuels, Ray Day, Randy Pulley, Michael Rhodes, Lu Skerdoo, Pluto Wolnosci 🟣, Paula Shablo, Bruce Coulter, Ellen Baker, Kelley Murphy, Leigh-Anne Dennison, Patricia Timmermans, Keeley Schroder, James Michael Wilkinson, Whye Waite, John Hansen, Trudy Van Buskirk, | Dixie Dodd | Joanie Adams — Sightseer; Conjurer Of Words | | Nancy Santos | Jenny Blue | Jack Herlocker | Love | Barbara J. Martin | Audrey Clifford | R. Rangan PhD | Maria Rattray | Jerry Dwyer | Denise Shelton | Trisha Faye | Sal Gallaher | StorySculptress | Katherine Myrestad | Deborah Joyce Goodwin (Red:The-Lady In Blue)
If you missed Part 1 & 2