The world has no ages; humanity moves from place to place, that’s all. I am a western man, quite free to live in the Orient if I choose, but my mind is fast asleep. During this time of slumber, the world has moved itself toward a horrible memory. Worms of indecency crawling into powerful places, heartless, aged figures promoting poverty, and nothing we can do seems to send them back into the soil.
Let us accept a new strength, let us detest poverty. Let us replace ultimate power with ultimate tenderness. At dawn, lets forget our growing patience with those who denigrate humanity, or abuse the idea of charity with their gnashing of teeth, falsehoods, and ignorance.
Let’s be absolutely modern and not accept those who would move humanity backward. Let’s face the truth. There are men in this world who need sending back into the soil, their skin corroding with dirt, their armpits crawling with worms, because the battle for the soul of a united humanity is as brutal as the battle of men. Bring back the idea of justice for all, and make common decency a promise to which we should all fight for, and one we must all make to each other.
I’m so happy to have gone across your voice, Jane.