Walk With Me In Paris, Will You?

First day with my lovely lady in Paris

Harry Hogg
3 min readJun 25, 2024
Image: Author — Chose it because it has bare breasted ladies to greet me.

I must tell you love to be in Paris in the month of June
The trees are so full and all the spring buds are in bloom
Its good to come visit this city of youth and romance
It doesn’t matter if you are older you should give it a chance

Come with me, lets walk and smell the flowers in the square
And there’s yet more flowers in the streets over there
Sniff the breeze that is the perfume of Lily of the valley
No matter the time of day its a small that makes me happy

Would you like to walk and we’ll go find some coffee
Maybe iced today and lets see, do you like it frothy?
Of course we have all day to wander in this city of art
If you want we even can see it from a horse and cart

Of course, when the day breaks and streets get busy
We can watch people emerge from dreams in a tizzy
They have a very light breakfast and out they go
You’ll see that fashion is important and on show

Later, if you like, we can take a boat ride on the Seine
Yes, I was sad at first but now, well, I’m glad I came
Paris is one anonymous world that daily slowly unfurls
Lets you and I walk the streets and we’ll smile at the girls

Come, see over here, there are second-hand booksellers
Watercolor and portrait artists and look, fortune tellers
This is so perfect, walking by Notre Dame along the Seine
There are so many things about Paris I cannot explain

I cannot wait for evening, French food, and Paris by night
And the city suddenly lights up with millions of lights
But let’s not hurry the day away, let’s go see Rodin again
The Eiffel Tower, Place de la Concorde and drink Champagne

I love croissants, and oh, the soft French bread and cheese
And look, there are so many wines that will go with these
But there are things other than Paris I love so much more
To be walking and holding hands with the woman I adore



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