What is it with Parking Spots?

Aren’t they wide enough? Fuck me.

Harry Hogg
3 min readDec 8, 2023
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So, how many of you already know I hate going to the grocery stores? Correct. All of you.

Here’s another true story.

I’m driving into the parking area at our nearest grocery store, a village all on its own. I’m following a Mercedes coupe driven by a guy in his thirties.

We turn up the same lane, and he pulls into a parking spot, actually two parking spots. His front wheels are a foot over the line. It’s damn near Christmas, right. The stores are heaving. There are few parking spots to be found, and finding two together is rare, but I guess we got lucky, or he did.

He’s parked his fucking new Mercedes so that no one can get alongside him unless you have a Tesla or something else that magically thins itself.

Look, believe me when I tell you I’m a better man than I was when I was sixty, fifty even, and definitely a better man than when I was forty. I am unrecognizable from the man I was at thirty. You get what I’m saying, right?

This guy wants to test me, see if I really am a better person than the one I was. I look at him. He grins. Really? Does he even know what a really bad bastard I’ve been in my life? No, he does not. He’s skating, people, this man is skating.

No, No, Harry. You’re a better man. Yes, I am. I drove on, parking a hundred yards from the store.

Obviously, I was in a good mood and thought I’d leave the Mercedes man a Christmas note.

Sir/or Madam (I didn’t want to give away what I knew)

Trying to get my car into the three-quarter space you left, I managed to ding your car. The people around think I’m leaving my phone number, but of course, I am not. To my mind, you deserve a fucking ding. It’s just small, maybe two or three hundred to fix it. Have a nice Christmas.

And tucked it under the wiper blade in full view.

I went into the store, bought myself a coffee, came back, put $10 in the bucket of the man in the red suit, and sat on the bench to watch the fun.

I must tell you, it was the funniest, warmest five minutes ever as I watched the young Mercedes git look around his car for no reason. Boy, I felt good. I kept faith with myself, I am a better person than I have ever been.



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