Writers Who Take Their Time To Respond

Sometimes, I feel ashamed.

Harry Hogg
3 min readJan 10, 2024
Bing Image Creator

There are many extraordinary writers on Medium who spend a lot of their time responding to me about stories I’ve written, always with positive vibes, encouragement, generosity, and friendliness.

I’m fanatically writing. I want to walk away from my desk, have a coffee with my wife, take a walk, maybe do a bit of keep fit, but do I? Do I fuck. Well, yes, occasionally… no, that’s another thought.

When I retire, I wonder, did I say thank you to everyone? Then I tried to go through everything I did on Medium. The thing I did least? Respond.

When I do spend an hour or two responding, I bump into writers who are everywhere, encouraging every writer with great, supportive responses. Fuck me, I think, when are these writers writing? They are writing because I read, enjoy, and respond to as many as possible if it doesn’t stop my thought process.

Look, I may lose followers, admitting that there are some of you I never get to in several days! You might be trying to boost your earnings while boosting mine. My earnings have risen, and I intend to plow them back into supporting writers here on Medium. Maybe gift some updates to FOM. Create a challenge and offer a little prize money.

None of this is an excuse for not responding to wonderful stories. I have no excuse.

Please know how grateful I am for your support, and I promise to help new writers, promote, share, and not be such a selfish bastard.

The fucking lot of you are amazing.

From the sincerest depth of my heart, thank you.




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