Keeley Schroder | April Challenge
Writing prompts for every day in April
Day 21: What is your favorite body part?
Pot Belly
Last week, I attended the conference for Human Internal Organs and External Body Parts. The Conference was held at the Harefield Hospital, in Middlesex, UK.
I did so, becoming more aware about certain issues regarding the human form.
On the morning of the first day, the Conference was asked to discuss the public’s perception of its group members. In the afternoon, we listened to an expert talk to us about Functional Organs, those fit for harvest and the transplants that save millions of lives.
During the afternoon, phrases kept popping up, words like organ donation, harvest and transplant, phrases that get a lot of attention and respect. In contrast, the public are quick to slander outer body parts.
I wanted to ask the experts why we can’t be judged on our internal organs, rather than our external looks? For example: Why our looks are so important?
Why do we always make an effort to hide our external oddities? Whether it is flat foot, high arch, pigeon toes, or a gimpy leg!
As always happens, while I was in Harefield, I bumped into Jennifer Aniston. She ignored me, and though she didn’t know why, I did. Jennifer doesn’t like men with pot bellies, preferring six pack abs. I ran after her, catching up, breathless, just near the Harefield Hospital Transplant Center, and asked why had she ignored me? Was it because I have a pot belly?
Of course, her answer was, “Certainly not! I don’t know who the hell you are,” she said, “that’s why,” which made me feel much better.
Jenny, my wife, and fiercest critic of pot bellies during the summer seen walking around without a shirt. But look, I’m not someone who takes criticism badly, mostly because Jenny doesn’t like a number of oddities, Bald Heads, Crooked Teeth, Snake Eyes, Droopy Ears, Goose Neck, Flat Chest, Sagging Shoulders and Flat Bottoms all of which seem to cause an expression of despair on her faultless face.
So, I set about asking members of the Body Parts Association in Harefield, why we cannot be judged on our internal organs, thereby desensitizing the
publics cruelty I’ve encountered when walking shirtless.
The members were most interested: They asked that I come up with suggestions by which these outer body oddities could be seen in a more positive light. The list below.
Bald head saves over $500 on haircuts and shampoos.
Flat foot is firm on a slippery slope.
Droopy ears are better for earphones.
A gimpy leg is better than no leg at all.
In an emergency, please use your pot belly as floating device.
My suggestions were received with rapturous applause.
Other wonderful writers engaged in this challenge. Read and enjoy.
If you’re not listed below and wish to be, Why? 😁
Send Keeley Schroder a nudge, you’ll be welcomed.
Adrienne Beaumont | Autistic Widower (“AJ”) | Brett Jenae Tomlin | The Sturg | Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles | Trisha Faye | Karen Schwartz | NancyO | Katie Michaelson | Bernie Pullen | Michelle Jimerson Morris | Amy Frances | Julia A. Keirns | Ravyne Hawk | Pamela Oglesby | Toni the Talker | Tina | Pat Romito LaPointe | Ruby Noir | K. Joseph | Brandon Ellrich | Misty Rae | Karen Hoffman | Deb Palmer | Susie Winfield | Vincent Pisano | Paari | Marlene Samuels | Ray Day | Randy Pulley | Michael Rhodes | Lu Skerdoo | Pluto Wolnosci | Paula Shablo | Bruce Coulter | Ellen Baker | Kelley Murphy | Leigh-Anne Dennison | Jennifer Marla Pike | Carmen Ballesteros | Marlana, MSW| Patricia Timmermans | Keeley Schroder | Jan Sebastian | And let’s not forget the indomitable, charming, incorrigible, the delightful, yes, please welcome Mr. Harry Hogg
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